Questions or Concerns?

If you have questions or concerns, click here to send an email or call (662) 871-9299 and leave your information.

Speak to Senator McMahan?

Speak to
Senator McMahan?

If you would like to speak with Senator Chad McMahan, please email him at or give him a call at (662) 871-9299.

Extend an Invitation?

If you would like to extend an invitation for Senator Chad McMahan to visit your area or speak at your event, please email him at or give him a call at (662) 871-9299.

Ways To Volunteer

Volunteering at round table meetings, meet & greets, join the mailing list, or be a part of the social media go team.

Please email Senator Chad McMahan at or give him a call at (662) 871-9299.


P.O. Box 1018
Jackson, MS 39215